Friday, February 27, 2009

how to

All through life everyone goal is to be successful. Be successful in school. Be successful in work. Be successful in life. Or when writing a how to story. Who really judges success, in this case it Mr. Stein will judge whether or not i have written a successful how to piece. success can be achieved in many different ways. the multi billionaire who works all the time and never See's his family may call himself successful. But the electrician who makes just enough to support his family and is with his family often May also call himself successful. Success can only be judged from within. I believe i just wrote a successful how to piece, Hopefully you will feel the same way.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Why do we read?

I think most people read for self knowledge. Most people that read everyday do not read for enjoyment, i believe the newspaper is read more than novels. People read the newspaper in order to find out what is happening around them. I read the sports section of the newspaper almost every morning. Even though, i do not enjoy reading books very often, I like to read the newspaper while i eat breakfast. I do not read the newspaper for enjoyment, I read it for information. I enjoy reading some books, if a book does not grab my attention in the first chapter I stop reading it. I think if someone recommends books that are interesting to them, I would read a lot more often. I am currently reading a book called the great escape. I have seen the movie before and enjoyed it. The book is so far has caught my attention.