Thursday, March 5, 2009

The great excape

I read the book the great escape. Before reading the book, saw the movie. Even though i had already seen the movie, i remained interested throughout the entire book. This book is about a group of British people and Americans working together to escape a pow camp in Germany. The prisoners of war dig a tunnel thirty feet down and two hundred feet across. They also made civilian clothing and forged papers in order to try to blend in with society outside the camp. The guards were naive to what went on when they were not paying attention. In total about two hundred men escaped from the prison camp but almost all of them were caught and killed later. The men who were caught and killed still felt that they did a good job because they forced some German troops off of their fronts in order to look for the escaped prisoners. overall, i recommend this book to anyone that likes to read about history. The next book i started reading is called rooftop and once i finish that i will make another post.

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